Year of the Dragon Pregnancy Henna

pregnancy henna year of the dragon

  When Nicola came in she was really open about design ideas, telling me that she really loved all of the art she'd seen on my website. I prefer to get some kind of starting point with pregnancy art, because this is the adornment that will hold her intentions for her pregnancy, for her baby. After some discussion, it was revealed that she loved that this was the Year of the Dragon: a particularly lucky year to have a baby. Also, flowers. 

pregnancy art with Year of the Dragon
maternity art with dragon and flowers

  I am so excited to be painting henna dragons again! It was 12 years ago that I got my first request for Year of the Dragon henna and since then I've been aware of what animal each year is. The Dragon is divine and powerful, and children born this year are said to be blessed with intelligence, confidence and ambition. 

pregnant belly henna design with dragon

Nicola sat in my new Art Studio in central Boulder for 2 hours while I adorned her belly and hand. She felt the peaceful energy of the sanctuary for women I've been co-creating for months with the help of several wonderful people in my life. I feel a deep satisfaction from celebrating pregnancy with ritual and art, and I'm so grateful to be doing this again, in a new space.


  For a henna session, do not message me on social media, please contact me directly through text 303-345-1516 or email

  #boulderhenna #prenatalhenna #yearofthedragon #dragonhenna #hennabelllyblessing #pregnancyart #sarahkatebutterworth #coloradohenna

pregnancy portraits with henna
celebrate pregnancy with henna and photos

A couple days later, when the henna was peaking in color, we took more photos in my studio. I love the color of a natural henna stain. This mama is glowing with joy! 

#glowingmama #coloradohenna #boulderhenna #prenatalhenna #motherblessing #dragon #bellyhenna #maternityshoot

dragon pregnancy henna peaking in color
dragon pregnancy henna peaking in color
dragon pregnancy henna peaking in color
dragon pregnancy henna peaking in color
dragon pregnancy henna peaking in color

Henna for multiple pregnancies


Year of the Dragon